Friday, July 6, 2012

So to add to the previous entry: enabling! I am cruising around Phoenix crazy as fuck and they decide I should have a proper job and pay my own way. know, it's a nice dream, but even the books. The books! I got around to reading up on the illness one and a few other times at Barnes and Noble and the biggest issue for someone just beginning their endless evil schizophrenic journey is that they probably wont be able to work a place to live, and if you could just do that for them their chances of recovery or stabilization increase drastically. DRASTICALLY. So yes, I want to see these people. They have kids now, though, and I want to see them, so I'll probably go and cold shoulder the older ones. I was right about the highschool reunion - it is going to suck. I went and acted all radical and told them all I have the S-word and that I wouldn't be attending but who is even going to go anyway? I'd want to hang out with my friends and clique up like the good old days. So yeah. I still am definitely going to the 20 to scout for schizo chicks. You guys should play a drinking game with my blog: read through the whole thing aloud and with booming voices and take a shot every time I mention schizophrenia.

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