Tuesday, March 27, 2012

So the videoblogs are not as popular as I had hoped they would be. I wanted to be a famous on-screen personality. Perhaps I'll make new ones as the old ones get views, and just mostly stick to writing. I talked to my friends and they're going to let me stay here while my disability hearing goes before a judge, up and until, without paying rent. So shouts to them, new friends are still friends. My mom officially cannot work this site, which means I can talk about her, and so; I'm worried that I'll do the thing she does/has done in her life and leave people behind. Like perhaps it's inevitable and people just move on etc etc but I'd like to believe you can create semi-permanent relationships, death trumping all. I still have an old friend or two that I get into contact with on occasion and I'd like to think that if there were a gathering of old friends we'd all be happy together and not weird, but who knows. I really want to veer from meeting people and barely getting to know them and then letting them shoot by. Like losing a person you have a great connection with and know fiercely is almost less bad than letting someone you could know that well escape, even if you want that death-trump-only-type. At least you had the experience with the first. Maybe my mom's move is her own and she's a rambler or maybe it's how it goes for everyone or just some people or whatever but what I want to promote is serious relationships brimming with intelligent conversation and killforeachother, and these take time to create and sometimes last quite a while and sometimes fizzle out. I think I just talked a circle there but it helped me put down the idea that I'm just friend-jumping, and bring me into the reality that I look for quality relationships, even if sometimes they are lacking.


  1. I read your blog, Josh. Keep writing, it's good to read.

  2. I also read your blog sir and watched the videos. I very much enjoy it as we don't get to talk as much as we used to. Also youtube directed me to interesting videos after watching your interesting videos. Cool stuff.

  3. Well cool guys, I'll continue to do both.
